

The Story of the Oil (2 Kings 4:1-7)

The Story of the Oil (2 Kings 4:1-7)

BIBLE THOUGHT: “Come and hear, all who fear God, and I will tell of what He has done for my soul” (Psalm 66:16, NASB).

Having lost her beloved husband, she was now faced with the prospect of having her sons taken as slaves to settle a debt. Her late husband was a God-fearing prophet. His widow evidently shared his faith.

She knew where to turn. She informed Elisha of her plight. He instructed to gather as many empty vessels as she could borrow, then pour out her oil supply into these containers.

Strange way to settle a debt!

But she did not hesitate. Doing exactly what Elisha said, she was blessed with enough to pay the debt—and then some!

What an impression that must have made on her boys! While she poured, they brought her the vessels. They watched as the small jar kept pouring and pouring and pouring—defying all logic. They were seeing God at work right in their own home!

Imagine what these boys could someday tell their children. After they listened with wide-eyed wonder, do you suppose in the days that followed they would beg, “Daddy, tell us again about the oil!”?

Hasn’t the same God who helped the widow helped us? Then let’s tell our children what He has done for us—and watch their faith grow!

How you have blessed us, O God our Father! Help us to testify to Your goodness toward us so others can come to know and trust You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

--David Gibson

(from the daily devotional guide Power for Today)