

Where We Were Meant to Be

Some years ago when we were having a lot of rain I found some earthworms seeking shelter from the flooded ground. What’s interesting is where they found shelter—in the foyer of our church building!

One worm had crawled farther than the rest toward the auditorium. It was mostly dried up and probably dead. Church carpets and central heating are not worm-friendly. From an overly wet environment into an overly dry one, these worms were out of their element.

What is our element? Physically, we can adjust to climate extremes, if we have enough equipment. But what is the optimum environment for us spiritually?

The Prodigal Son wouldn’t be satisfied until he had turned his face and his feet toward the far country with all its alluring pleasures. But when the famine came and friends and food were gone, home began looking mighty good!

God created us to do His will and enjoy His fellowship. But He also gave us the freedom to choose. We can do as we please, or we can choose to obey Him. Self-gratification seems more attractive initially. Satan tries to convince us that his way is best and that God’s way is too confining.

But here is the paradox. What our lower nature craves is ultimately destructive. On the other hand, what may seem too difficult, too costly, is the path to the greatest joy. Our challenge is to avoid being deceived by appearances and choose what works for our good in the long run.

Unlike those earthworms who didn’t do well inside or out, we can have a true refuge if we so choose. Inside God’s will is where we were meant to be, and the sooner we come in, the better.