

In ______ We Trust

Over and over the Bible addresses the issue of what can be trusted—and what cannot. Note these warnings:

●Don’t put your ultimate confidence in people (Ps. 118:8-9; 146:3-5; Isa. 2:22; Jer. 17:5, 7). People can do only so much. They have feet of clay. They die.

●Don’t depend on military strength (Judg.7:2; 1 Sam. 17:45; Ps. 20:7; 33:16-17; 44:6-8; 60:11-12; Prov. 21:31; Isa. 31:1, 3). A nation may have the strongest armaments in the world, but without God’s help, that nation will fall.

●Don’t put all your weight on material things (Prov. 23:4-5; Matt. 6:19-21). The bankruptcy of formerly strong companies and the volatile stock market bear powerful witness to “the uncertainty of riches” (1 Tim. 6:17 NASB).

●Don’t count on tomorrow (Prov. 27:1; Luke 12:16-21; James 4:13-16). We have no guarantee we will even see another sunrise. What then?

●Don’t rely on yourself (Prov. 3:5-6). Our understanding is so limited. Nor can we count on our own “goodness” to get us to heaven (Luke 18:9-14; Titus 3:5).

Without God, all human efforts are in vain (Ps. 127:1). There is no place for boasting in our own accomplishments (Deut. 8:16-18).

Some want “In God We Trust” removed from all our currency. But to what extent does this motto truly reflect the thinking of most Americans? It is one thing to pay lip service to God. It’s quite another to place all our confidence in Him and Him alone.

Many people are leaning on what will ultimately give way.

But God never fails.