

How Will We Be Remembered?

“Jeremiah lamented for Josiah . . .” (2 Chron. 35:25). Evidently he did not live to see his fortieth birthday, but even though Josiah didn’t live long, he lived well. God said of him, “He pled the cause of the afflicted and needy” (Jer. 22:16 NASB). He is especially remembered for leading his people back to God after a long period of apostasy (2 Chron. 34-35). Josiah made a difference.

When Stephen was martyred for courageously preaching Christ, those who buried him “made great lamentation over him” (Acts 8:2). He was one of the seven chosen to provide for the daily needs of poor widows in the Jerusalem church (Acts 6:1-6). Stephen made a difference.

When Dorcas died, the widows wept. The Scriptures speak of her “deeds of kindness and charity which she continually did” (Acts 9:36). Dorcas made a difference.

Josiah, Stephen, and Dorcas. When people who live like this die, their loss is keenly felt. All three could have chosen to live for themselves, but they didn’t. All three could have let others do it, but they didn’t. God was pleased with each of them because they obeyed Him and served others.

Let’s be constantly on the lookout for ways to make a difference. They are there. God has given us our resources, talents, and opportunities to serve. We can’t afford to let what little time we have be frittered away with mindless pursuits that accomplish nothing.

When we give of ourselves for others, it can be time-consuming, expensive, and exhausting. We may face opposition as Stephen did. There is a price to be paid. But oh, how much richer our lives will be!

And when we die, we will be missed!