

More Than Ever

When troubles come, and they will, whether financial, family, health, or whatever, we may choose to go in one of two directions. We can become so distraught and distracted that our connection with Christ begins to come undone, or on the other hand, we can realize more than ever our need to lean on the Everlasting Arms. In the words of the old song:

Trust in Him who will not leave you,

Whatsoever years may bring,

If by earthly friends forsaken,

Still more closely to Him cling.

--Jennie Wilson, “Hold to God’s Unchanging Hand”

When problems arise, Christians who have already trained their thinking by the Scriptures can draw strength from such exhortations as “be strong in the Lord,” “stand firm,” “be steadfast,” “pay much closer attention,” “hold fast,” “without wavering,” “and all the more,” “he who overcomes,” “be all the more diligent,” “until the end” (Ephesians 6:10, 13-14; 1 Corinthians 15:58; Hebrews 2:1; 10:23, 25; Revelation 2:26; 2 Peter 1:10; Hebrews 6:11 NASB).

Wasn’t the man Jesus called wise the one who did his spade work before the storm hit (Matthew 7:24-27)? What better preventive maintenance is there than hearing and doing Jesus words? Many a Christian has collapsed for lack of it.

It’s not unusual for Christians to relax their grip on the church when trouble comes. Big mistake! If anything, should we not draw even closer to our brothers and sisters when we’re hurting? Cutting ties with our spiritual family is exactly what Satan hopes we’ll do. It leaves us adrift and alone—more vulnerable than ever to his onslaughts.

The ties that bind are blest! One tie is Christian fellowship. Another is prayer. Another is daily meditation on God’s word. Another is active involvement in the Lord’s work.

Whether we’re experiencing hardships at the moment or not, isn’t now a good time to tighten any of our ties that may have come a bit loose?